Queralt Castle
The castle’s construction dates back to before the end of the 10th century. We know that at this time the count of Barcelona sold it the viscount of Barcelona, stating: “It is located on the edge of our March, bordering Spain to the west”. It was therefore a castle right on the border facing Moorish territory.
The castle is located at the rocky summit of a hill. Several sections of its high, turreted perimeter walls have been preserved. Inside, it is possible to recognise several rooms, a water cistern and the church of Sant Martí.
The castle remained in the hands of the Queralt family from the 11th century to the 19th century. The Queralt family became an important dynasty, receiving the title of counts of Santa Coloma at the end of the 16th century.
In 1032 the castle’s castellan was Bernat Sendred de Gurb, accompanied by Guillem de Mediona. When news reached them of a Moorish raid in the Argençola area, Guillem de Mediona went off in pursuit of the raiders but was killed on a mountain close to Queralt Castle.