Vilademàger Castle
Vilademàger Castle was built at the end of the 10th century at the top of a long mountain range that overlooks the Llacuna plain, an area that had recently been incorporated in the dominions of the county of Barcelona.
The site was adapted to the relief of the terrain and forms an impressive complex that hugs the top of the mountain range. One of the most noteworthy features of the upper enclosure is the tower, with a quadrangular base and cylindrical shaft, to which other quadrangular constructions were later attached, which must have formed part of the living quarters of the lords of the castle. The church of Sant Pere is located in the lower enclosure, just beyond the wall dividing the two enclosures. Although it also dates from the 10th century, it underwent various major renovations and extensions between this period and the 17th century. The walled perimeter of the rest of the lower enclosure can be explored; including several attached semi-circular towers and the well-preserved gateway.
Under the dominion of the counts of Barcelona, the castle was built by a certain Magre or Màger. In the 11th century it was entrusted to the Gurb-Queralt family but fell under the control of the Cervelló family at the end of the same century, remaining in its hands until the end of the 19th century.
In addition to occupying a strategic location on the boundary line of 1000 AD, Vilademàger Castle witnessed an important episode during the Catalan Civil War. The Cervelló family, which at the time held the title of Barons of Llacuna, positioned themselves on the side of King Joan II, as a consequence of which the troops of the Government of Catalonia imprisoned the baroness and her children.
External visits are free of charge.
To book a guided tour, please call 93 897 68 30 or 93 897 60 63.