A few metres before reaching Copons, the Riera Gran stream comes to a large drop, its waters falling attractively into the Nafre Pool.

Some places in Catalonia are hidden, forgotten, known to only a few. They’re nothing spectacular, but very pleasant all the same. There are a quite a few of these places in the area around Orpí, a town largely unknown by the general public: Santa Càndia.

Set right in the middle of a dry land area in the county of Anoia, along a path that takes just over an hour to complete, you’ll find a beauty spot with trees, water and plenty of vegetation: La Fou de Tous

Our country may be small but it’s also surprising.
Take for example the group of waterfalls in the municipality of Cabrera de Anoia, just a stone’s throw from the Alt Penedès region. They’re a little-known marvel located where the Bleda Torrent becomes a stream that flows from Canaletes to Bedorc.