Reredos of Santa Maria de Rubió
The Rubió reredos, in the Italianate Gothic style of the 14th century, is one of the most important pieces of pictorial art from the Catalan Gothic period. The inscription LXVII in the lower part of the reredos might correspond to the year in which it was painted (1367). However, the painting has also been attributed to the so-called Master of Rubió (disciple of Ramon Destorrents), which would date its creation to later than 1380, when Rubió was under the control of the Boixadors family. The work, painted in tempera on wood, consists of three vertical panels subdivided into three levels on the sides and into two levels in the central panel. Between the central panel and the side panels, and between the side panels and the canopy, there are four shafts crowned by pinnacles. The original predella, in the lower part of the reredos, is housed in the Episcopal Museum of Vic.
In terms of iconography, the reredos is devoted to the joys of the Virgin Mary and contains seven scenes of joy and seven scenes of sorrow.
The scenes of joy, described from top to bottom, are: in the left-hand side panel, the Assumption crowned by the prophet Isaiah, the Nativity and the Epiphany; in the right-hand side panel, the Resurrection crowned by the prophet David, the Annunciation and Pentecost; and in the lower part of the central panel, the Coronation of the Virgin Mary.
The scenes of sorrow are: in the predella and from left to right, Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Betrayal by Judas, the Accusation of Jesus by the Jews, the Flagellation, the Way of the Cross, the Descent from the Cross and, in the upper part of the central panel, the Crucifixion.
The shafts contain images of the apostles and prophets, some of whom hold phylacteries with texts alluding to their identity. The heraldic decoration on the canopy consists of roses in gold leaf representing the coat of arms of the Boixadors family.
The church was refurbished and extended in the early 17th century and a new presbytery was built. The Gothic reredos continued to preside over the new church. However, the central section depicting the Coronation of the Virgin Mary was painted navy blue with stars and served as the background to the baroque carving, while the predella was replaced with a stepped altar crowned by a monstrance.
The church is open for mass every Sunday at 11.30 am.
Please call the town council to arrange a visit of the inside of the church. Tel.: +34938094181